Proudly serving our friends, family, and neighbors in Southwest Pennsylvania and beyond!

Happy 2025! We sincerely hope you are healthy, well, and preparing for an exciting year in all you do.

As of January 27, we are officially open for the season. We will be open for limited hours this first week with in-office visits and in-person dropoffs only between 9 AM and noon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If you would like to speak with Susan before dropping off your files, please call the office at 724-242-7722 to ensure your time is scheduled and dedicated to your questions.

The drop-box at the back of our building – look for the new and improved pink arrow pointing the way – is available 24/7.

If you want to submit your information and files through our secure portal, please send an email request to And now for some helpful tips and reminders…

Organization: As times get hectic keep your work, home improvement, health, and all other important receipts in one spot. Perhaps tape a big envelope to a wall somewhere safe and put your paperwork there. Keep a plastic organizer in your car if you use it for business. Make a spare drawer a dedicated space. Having your slips, receipts, and tax documents in one place makes your life less stressful and much easier when getting everything to us with plenty of time to review and prepare well before the deadline.

Scheduling: You do not have to ask to drop items off through our drop-box, though we ask that you provide all necessary items as a complete packet. Banking and investment documents will almost always run later than other 1099 and employment/benefit documents. We know many of you will be fretting that things will get done in time but we keep the doors open for our savvy investors.

IRS Changes for 2025 as of October 22, 2024:
EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT: Single ($649) & Family Maximum ($8,046); see page 9 of the IRS update
STANDARD DEDUCTION: Single ($15,000) & Married Filing Jointly ($30,000)
TAX-BRACKETS: Increase of approximately 2.8%; see pages 5-7 of the IRS update

Friday, March 21, 2025: Susan’s Last Day for Guaranteed Processing Without an Extension
– Any incomplete submissions received prior to this date will have an extension applied on this date
– Any submissions received after this date will also have an extension applied upon receiving
Tuesday, April 15, 2025: IRS Personal Income Taxes Deadline

We appreciate you and your trust in our team and want to give each of you our fullest attention. If we are working with another client, we may not be able to address your issue immediately – just as we prioritize your time when working directly with your filings. If you need to meet face-to-face, again, let us know as soon as possible.

Blessings from your friendly neighborhood tax team,
Susan, Chris, Linda, Bob, Ozzy, Parker, & Murph D. Moose

Next Steps…

Have questions? Want to get your ducks in a row before a tax deadline? We can set a time to chat or go over your particular needs. Contact Susan.

2025 Contactless Procedures

In the interest of our Susan Does Taxes team and our customers, we treat each file and client with the utmost respect and safety. All files are handled with the utmost care, used on surfaces treated after each file, and separated from all other clients’ files. For more information about our contactless procedures and drop-off process, please visit our safety information page.